My subject matter proves that I am anything but a virgin: my darling, little three and a half month old son, Jon. Yes, I am a Mom. Capital M Mom. A Mom that has some thoughts to go along this whole motherhood movement. Obviously I am aware that motherhood is not a new concept, but the sensationalism of it seems to be. Maybe it's just because I am a mother now, and have cause to notice, that it seems like motherhood is everywhere you look. But with baby bumps gracing the pages of every tabloid, shows like In the Motherhood hitting prime time TV, and celebrities such as Jenny McCarthy and Tori Spelling spilling their mommy beans in best selling books, it's hard to deny the mommy movement.
I am unsure about exactly what I have to say. And I'm OK with that. After all, as a rookie mom, I feel unsure about what I'm doing at many moments of the day. But as they say, isn't that what life is all about? And if I can find the time to type between diaper changes, bottle feedings, and doing my dutiful tummy time, I will share my journey with you.
(pressing orange "publish post" button now. ahhhh)
Just popping your comment cherry :) And letting you know I think your blog will be as fabulous as you are! Keep 'em coming...
ReplyDeleteHa ha - thanks Stef!