Thursday, October 8, 2009

Things I Thought I'd Never Do

Things I thought I'd never do until I had a baby:

1. Find it completely acceptable to not take off slippers for 2 days.

2. Have serious discussions with spouse about the importance of Desitin.

3. Read an article entitled "Baby Poop photos: What's normal, What's not" with actual interest.

4. Be able to completely block out a crying baby while driving in traffic.

5. Be so happy when my child goes to bed, and then miss him an hour later.

6. Spend so much money on clothes for someone other than myself.

7. Be seriously dependent on my DVR.

8. Think "soccer mom" isn't such a bad title.

9. Ask for help without feeling guilty.

10. Know that size 3 diapers from BJ's are 16 cents per diaper.

11. Be so happy to have a date night, that even braking down on the side of the road is still fun.

12. Almost 9 months later, still have some baby weight to loose.

13. Feel like I won the lottery because I made Jon Jon belly laugh.

14. Understand the need to not let your baby sleep in the car so that they can nap in their crib, and do all sorts of crazy things to keep them awake.

15. Sort of miss 3am bottle feedings.

16. Say cliche things like, "They grow up so fast" and "I now understand how my mother feels about me" and actually mean them.

17. Have a serious dislike for all things Winnie the Pooh.

18. Some days think my husband is the lucky one because he gets to go to work.

19. Go to a playdate with 10 other pairs of mommies and kiddos and actually have a great time.

20. Still check to make sure Jon Jon is breathing everytime I walk by his room when he's sleeping.

21. Within the span of a minute, think my child is brilliantly gifted, and then worry that he'll never learn to talk.

22. Like folding teeny tiny clothes.

23. Wonder what the hell is in those diapers that makes them do what they do.

24. Cut a grape into 16 pieces.

25. Love someone else so much it can make you cry.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What the Cool Kids Are Wearing

Being a mom has really opened up a whole new world to me - of shopping! Who knew it was so exciting to buy 4" inseam jeans and moose covered jammies!  Even buying new sippy cups has a certain thrill to it.  Here's a few of my past, present, and future favorite shopping adventures.

A few months ago a friend introduced me to, a fabulous website for artisans and collectors of super cool stuff to sell their wares.  Aside from having tons of fun just looking at the crazy things you can buy on this site, like leather children's lederhosen (because who doesn't need a pair of those), you can also get great kids clothes.  I just ordered these super cute Robeez-esque shoes embroidered with Jon Jon's name on it.  Same price as Robeez, but you choose your color combo and style, and get to put your little tike's name on them.
On the subject of shoes, I just found this fabulous footwear through Daily Candy Kids.  Stonz Wear makes the most fabulous looking boots for kids I've ever seen.  A little pricey at $47, but when you see them, you just might bust out your Amex anyway.  The good news, is because the sizing is pretty loose, you could get away with one size for the whole winter, which may make you feel a little less guilty about buying them.  Or you could so what I'm doing, and adding this to Grandma's Christmas list.

One website that is no stranger to moms everywhere is One Step Ahead.  They have affordable, practical and just plain cool stuff to makes moms and kids lives easier and more fun.  My latest favorite from this website is this sleeping "blanket" with legs! Now that Jon Jon is Mr rolly
 polly in the crib, I knew there was no way he could be put into sleeping bags this winter.  But I am terrified of the blanket-SIDS  possibilities so these little gems are the perfect solution.  Plus he feels super cuddly when you hold his while wearing this baby version of the Snuggie.

Another soon-to-be-mom friend introduced to me the fabulous shopping excitement of  bTrendie.  This super cool site has a never ending rotation of designer brand sales that last only a couple days, and have rock bottom prices; in other words, you snooze you loose.  This week on bTrendie they will be having a sale on urban chic strollers from Quinny and Maxi-Cosi car seats, both at 40% off prices.  They say these events are invite-only, but this really only means you need to sign up with your email address to create and account.

On the same idea of an invite-only website is Hautelook.  This discount shopping site not only has designer children's clothes, but items for mom, dad and the home as well.  This week on Hautelook you can score some swag from Right Bank Babies, and Siwy jeans.  So go get your shop on! And best of all, all this cool stuff can be purchased while in the comfort of your slippers, and on your couch during baby's nap time.  Enjoy!