After I was married, I spent most of my weekends snuggled up on

Then after I had Jon Jon, I started hanging out with a local mommy group, and we began organizing Mommy's Night Out. Boy - you want to see some silly women out at a bar! After being cooped up in the house all day, I don't even care if the other people at the bar have all their teeth! I want to get out! I want to wash my hair, wear some lip gloss, have a glass of wine, and have some laughs. And wow, do we laugh. There is still a lot of "baby talk", as it is our common bond. But then there are stories of our past, discussions of current events (OMG - John and Kate are getting divorced!!), and somehow it always ends in a little karaoke. Because tomorrow is another day filled with dirty diapers, missed naps, thrown food, and possibly a husband who wants you to cook dinner at the end of it all. So for tonight, we will let loose and enjoy a few hours where no one needs anything from us other than friendship.

It makes me think back to those women at the martini bar who I thought were so crazy and annoying. Maybe they were just moms trying to relive their youth and enjoy their escape from mommy hood for one night. I hope they had fun and that their martinis were yummy, because I get it now. So when the Real Housewives of Windham County, as we like to call ourselves, are out on the town, we may act a little silly and be a little loud. But try not to judge us. Know that we are better mothers for having the chance to blow off some steam. And if you're feeling so inclined - buy us a drink! Cheers!
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