It was a great group of girls, of which only a few were moms. And I realized that it had been awhile since I spent much time with women who were not also mothers. My mom group is great, don't get me wrong, and we definitely get out for much needed drinks or dinner on a regular occasion. But the conversation does often turn to the subject of our kids. But when you are hanging out with a group of women that the majority do not have kids, the conversation never really turns to children. It's probably a good thing I didn't think about this before we went, I would have been nervous that I would have nothing to add to the conversation. But miraculously I managed to have thoughts and opinions that didn't revolve around my 14 month old son.
Being a mom, especially a stay-at-home-mom, and really especially a mom who blogs about being a mom, can make you feel like you have no other parts of yourself that don't involve being a mom. But there were so many other great topics of conversation! By the end of the weekend, our most memorable conversations revolved around SNL skits, my SIL's neighbor named Putter Johnson, and the Twilight series - not the most intellectual of topics, but wow did we laugh.

Having these 2 mini-vacations so close together, reminded me of how important it is to find balance as a mom. Do I want to spend every weekend getting dressed up and heading out on all night martini-fests? No. But I also don't want to spend every waking moment thinking about nothing other than my son. I guess the key is how to find balance in your everyday life. Mom's are always giving of themselves to their family, taking time for yourself so often goes on the back burner. Obviously this is not a new concept to anyone - there's probably an article in every Parenting magazine on finding balance in your life. But lately I've been really getting it. Am I finding balance on an everyday basis? No. But I'm aiming for it, and I think it's great goal for any mom to have.
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